... and chewing thoroughly.

Talking to Leonard Lopate on WNYC earlier this year Mark Bittman said "If you want to do all that you can do for the environment, for your body, for animals etc, then the most consistent position is to be a vegan." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-7ZOoszUYc scan to around 5:30)

He supports eating a vegan diet and he thinks it's the right thing to do. He says he can't become a vegan because he is a food writer for the New York Times; one only has to skim the comments on his blog to realize this. Apparently he mostly just reduces ratios of meat in recipes.

That's great. But where are the vegan entrees? When I looked back, I found that two of the past eight recipes in the Minimalist have been vegan, one was a corn salad and the other a recipe for a soft drink. Seriously, a recipe for soda. The blog is not much better (although it did showcase experimenting with flax seeds as an egg replacer, not in a post by Mark Bittman).

So we are going to veganize Mark Bittman, because even if he really is eating celery and peanut butter all day before binging on cheese and pork (I suspect this might actually be the case), or even if his recipes only call for a pound of meat instead of two, we bet his recipes would be even better if he went all the way.


Bex said...

oh Mark Bittman Mark Bittman, someone needs to finish the job because he is incapable.

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